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This game is an example of "peak".

I do not have the words in me to describe my feelings on this game.

I played it to completion and saw what I'm pretty sure is all the meaningful content that's currently in it.
This is the sort of game that's certainly trying to say SOMETHING of substance, but it would require multiple days of deliberation amongst top philosophers that are smoking the finest kush for us to even start pretending to understand what that something is.

It's a broken mess as far as its combat and progression goes, but that's kind of to be expected for 99% of RPG Maker games.
What I think BOY DEAD gets right is how enjoyable it feels to simply explore the game's world and see what it has to offer.

Probably my favorite idea (even if the execution is sloppy) is acquiring skills that give access to new options and content. Getting a "talk to plants" skill from a randomly acquired book, then realizing it's not just a combat skill is great! And it's not the only instance of this!

So like, is the game good? Dude I have no fucking idea to be honest.
Are its comedic bits funny? Usually. I think. Maybe.
Is it offensive and transgressive? I still cannot tell.

I can recommend this game to any and all chaotic people that are sympathetic to RPG Maker jank.

I got some good news and some bad news. 

The good news is that this is a prototype copy and I'm still working on it, so it can always get better.

The bad news is that it can only get worse from here.


Is the game trying to say something? I don't really know myself. A lot of this game is designed primarily without planning; it's just me making it up as I go along purely on id and ego. But I do want to make the game better I just gotta figure out how. The progression is intentionally unhinged so that might not change but the combat I do want to work on for sure. 

What would you suggest to make the acquiring of skills less sloppy? And what would you suggest to make it less janky or should I just lean harder into the jank? Also should I make more open allusions to living conditions in the Baltic States in the 1980s? Any information you can give me will help!

I appreciate you giving me some kind of a review though; I really don't know if the game is funny or not either. Even less so offensive or transgressive, whatever that means. But we'll see how things evolve over the next 50 years with this game. 

I don't like the pig. It doesn't die when I diefy him. Completely Irredeemable.

Please be more respectful to the Pig, he's had a hard life and an even harder death. I can attest that most other characters will die if you kill them in this game; the Pig is very special that way. 

Yes, I have proven that, as I immediately tried to savagely murder every single person, skeleton, robot and air I have come across. I like it when they stay dead. Like Tony Boner.

I'm afraid you are mistaken, Tony Boner is the name of my favorite Lounge singer, Bony Tony is the character in Boy Dead who you can "kill" although what it means to kill a skeleton its still up for debate. But yes, wreak chaos my child. Wreak only chaos. 

But you have to admit Tony Boner would have been an objectively funnier name. Not to say Bony Tony isn't a character meant to be taken seriously, but maybe he would have had more friends and not go through the path of evil given he had a more approachable name.

I do like Tony Boner as a name. I dunno, I might add him later as like an entirely  different character. But the problem is that Bony Tony is a loner who hates companionship so I'd doubt he'd have friends but he could def have enemies.